Paloma Tours is a well-established Romanian Business Travel Company with over 25 years of experience in the market.
We are a DMC, PCO & MICE Company specialized in business travel solutions. Being a customer oriented company, we provide tailored services designed to meet the most demanding travel expectations in a cost-effective way.
Our company is committed to deliver Excellence in Service at each step. Beyond words, we put the client on the top place when creating the product (a simple service or a congress), offering our customers creative projects inbound to Romania.
Due to the global situation caused by Covid-19, we had to quickly adapt in order to keep the company alive. Taking into account our mission and vision, we aim to deliver excellence in service, even in the online environment.

Why us
We say Yes, looking always for solutions.
We are client centered adapting our product to each single request.
We are offering the most advanced and specialized corporate travel services.
We care, being involved in all details of a project while preserving the big picture.
We are delivering exceptional customer relations, attention to detail and working with qualified and experienced providers.
We will customize our services to match your needs & budgets and we are offering a full spectrum of congress and conference management solutions.
Our main objectives are to provide tourism with consultancy and services designed to satisfy the demands of our clients, as in a fast and efficient manner as possible.