We are event architects.

We design, develop and implement any type of event.



We ensure that your business objectives and your guests’ experience drive every element of your event.



We create an event master plan and a detailed budget according with your needs at the most effective cost.



You keep in touch only with one contact from our company, at your service 24/7 and we take care of everything else for you.



We brand your event and approach it with fresh thinking, constantly adapting our vision to the current trend.



Our dedicated and experienced team will offer their full support on site, to ensure a smooth running of the event.



We take care of your agenda, timing and deadlines and we conduct a thorough evaluation of your event.

Let’s make your event memorable!



Cycle meetings

Thematic Events

Brand Experience

 Product launch


Constantly searching for

the lowest rates and booking flights;

We make everything about

corporate air travel

easy for you and your guests.


  • "Draga Cristiana, totul a fost la superlativ la hotel. Foarte curat in camere, toate cu priveliste la mare, mancarea excelenta, serviciile la fel. Persoana care s-a ocupat de grupul nostru (Petya) a fost foarte atenta si ne-a ajutat cu toate solicitarile. Multumesc mult pentru recomandare si organizare, a fost un eveniment foarte reusit! Cu siguranta vom mai merge acolo."

    Farm. Radu Birsan General Manager Romania & Balkans Aspen
  • "Draga Cristiana, sper ca esti bine si te-ai mai refacut :). Iti multumim tare mult, din nou, pentru tot suportul si pentru ca mereu facem « frumos » impreuna."

    Raluca Soimariu Sales Suport Event Specialist - Yves Rocher
  • "Doresc sa va multumesc pentru increderea avuta si efortul pe care l-ati implicat in organizarea perfecta a evenimentului. Ma bucur nespus ca echipa pe care am selectat-o a fost la inaltime, Cristiana este cel mai bun om de evenimente din echipa din Bucuresti si am fost convins ca implicarea ei va contribui la succesul manifestarii, am fost in permanent contact si am fost la curent cu desfasurarea."

    Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Peltecu Director - Spitalul Filantropia
  • "Multumim frumos Ramona pentru tot ce ai facut pt grup! Un om minunat cu chip frumos, un suflet blînd, cu o dăruire de excepție! Ne-am simtit minunat si ai tot respectul nostru!"

    Florica Tudose
  • “It was a pleasure working with you and you did a phenomenal job.  Best meeting by far.  Great job to you and your team. Thanks again and our hope our paths cross again someday.  If you are ever in the States and happen to be in Cleveland, PLEASE look me up.  I would love to show you my city."

    Nicoletta Williams Cleveland, USA
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